TYPO3 - RSS Parser

Tonight will be another news in english.

Today I've published a new TYPO3 extension on the TER.

It's Ameos Formidable RSS parser. As it name suggest it, it's a RSS parser that display any rss feed on your website.

The main fact is that it's completely build on the Formidable Framework and Magpie RSS.

This extension is fully customisable either in the plugin Flexform or by typoscript. You can also built the display the way you want with the clever Formidable template engine.

I think that this extension is one of the most powerfull RSS parser for TYPO3, I assume this point because I've tested a lot of "shitty" other RSS parser.

On an another hand, this RSS parser can be a good start to have a step in the world of the Formidable Framework.

If you know TYPO3 and you need a RSS parser to display feed on your website, I suggest you to have a look at Ameos Formidable RSS parser.

Viper jeudi 02 octobre 2008 : 21:51 Typo 3

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